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Friday, August 30, 2013

Suffering as a Path to Enligtenment is the Big Trick of this World

During my daily walk this morning I picked up a copy of L.A. Weekly, one of the county's many popular "alternative" newspapers.

The cover referenced an article, titled, "Pain is Beauty," which is a profile of vocalist Chelsea Wolfe, who's lead a challenged life, that has ultimately influenced her music.  "Life is always bringing sh_t our way," she relays in the article.  "When we deal with it, we come out wiser and stronger and have a more beautiful outlook.  Pain becomes beauty."

I suppose that's one way to look at it and, certainly, we have to look at things at however they work for us.  But seeing that article made me think about how much "pain" we are willing to put ourselves through in this world, in general, sometimes for something as superficial and surficial as selective plastic surgery (as opposed to more pertinent surgery to restore one's appearance resulting from birth defects or accidents, etc.); other times for something more compelling as spiritual development.

For centuries we have been led to believe by the ways and teachings of Buddha and Jesus, that suffering is the ultimate way to life.

I disagree with this belief and propose another way:

Love is the best way to life true fulfillment and enlightenment.

But that is a difficult concept for many to grasp in this world, especially those who seem so h.e.-double-hockey-sticks bent on feeling the need to embrace suffering to find or experience any kind of true Love, be it spiritual, romantic, sexual, familial; or finding it through the brother and sister hood of humanity.

The truth of the matter is this:

The real Love of Heaven knows no suffering, and we have been tricked into believing that we must suffer to discover and experience Love on Earth.

Indeed, over time, many millions have been born into this world with birth defects, disease, and so forth.  And many more millions have been blessed with beauty, pure health and wealth.

Such are the results of karma, which is party to the decisions we all make with and in Heaven, or at least a lower form of Heaven, before we come into this world.

But if it is true that Jesus suffered and died for our “sins” and, as a New Age Catholic Christian, I believe that to be real, then, that suffering is over and we have already been “saved.”  In fact, we have been “saved” ever since, and even through the time we previously spent in Heaven before we were born into this world.

That all said, if you have been blessed with purity of body, mind, spirit, health and riches, you are not one of the “lucky” ones, but rather, one of the “lovely” ones – for there is no such thing as “luck” and there is only Love and the absence of Love; and into the conversation of the Absence of Love unrests suffering.

However, do not allow any one individual, group of individuals or religious or spiritual organization lead you to believe that suffering is the path to enlightenment.

It may be “a” path – but it would serve you more productively to take the “higher path” – through Love; to understand that Love conquers all suffering; and that through Love, suffering does not even exist.

So, call and take Love upon yourself, and toss away the false belief that suffering is a path to enlightenment.

Confirm suffering instead as the big trick of this broken world; and instead fully embrace Love; and never be tricked again.

In your troubled times, and certainly these times are troubling for us all, in one way or the other, try not to give more power to your pain; try not even to acknowledge your pain or your struggles, as numerous as they may be.  Certainly, one core law of the Universe states, whatever we concentrate on, expands.  If you focus on the bad, things get worse; but if you focus on the good, things get better.

So focus on the good; don’t allow this broken world to which we have all fallen from Heaven trick you into thinking that suffering is your only choice for enlightenment.

To that I say, "baloney" and "phooey"; ‘tis all a jest of the lower god of this world; and has nothing to do with the True God of Love in Heaven; nothing; nothing at all to do with Heaven.

However, this does not mean that we are not to have compassion and understanding for suffering or for those who are suffering.  But what I am saying is this:

In your darkest hour, pray one prayer and one prayer only:

“Dear Light of Heaven, shine your Love upon me.  Amen.”

From there, your suffering will subside and, one by one, over time, we will, singularly and collectively, bring Heaven on Earth, minus any false belief in and credence given to pain of any kind, shape, size, form or lowly sort.

For you are not a lowly sort – you are a Child of the Light of Heaven.

Start acting like it, and don’t allow the false god of this world to make you believe otherwise.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Leave Your Competitive Spirit Behind

You are "up against" no one.

What you do has absolutely no "relationship" to what others do.

At least as how we have come to define "relationship" in the past.

Your journey is your journey. Their journey is their journey.

The prosperity of the Universe is vast, and there is an overflowing amount of Success and Love and Joy for everyone.

The "pie" is huge, and there are countless pieces of it for each of us.

And yet there is no division between any of us.

Live your life and work your work with this formula:


We may have lived competitive lives in the past - and competition may have been part of the game of life. And that once worked. But now there is a new consciousness on the rise in the world.

Today, you are on a NEW journey. A journey of sharing...a journey of making the world a better place for everyone. You are now helping to make individuals and the Earth's combined soul stronger and healthier in every way.

You are now a major CONTRIBUTOR to the world. Not a competitor.

Those who you view as your competitors - are actually your co-contributitors. And you must be happy for them. You must even be happy for those who may be MORE successful than you. Your joyful feelings for others will increase YOUR good feelings for YOURSELF...and YOUR prosperity will increase.

Anyone is able to offer sympathy for those less fortunate. But true kindness is expressed when you can be happy for the person ABOVE you - when you are at the top. And you are indeed at the top of YOUR game. Because you only have YOUR game. Everyone else has THEIR game.

Let them win theirs and you win yours.

There is no competition.

In the realm of TRUE Joy, Success and Love - competition does not exist.

Embrace who you are...embrace what you do...share your heart and your for and - about - others...with a JOYFUL spirit - and send Light and Blessings to everyone along the way, each step of the way.

What's more - do not merely help people to succeed - but BE THE REASON they succeed.

In turn, your own success will be multiplied, tenfold - and you will "win" every time.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Reject the Rejections!

I don't know about you, but my brain only functions on positive thought.

Or at least, it only functions WELL on positive thought; positive thought and words motivate me.

Negative thinking...just writing that disfunctional to me; it deflates me;  there isn't enough room in my brain for negative thought.

Yes, it's a fact that we live in a broken world.

And that in and of itself may sound like negative thinking; but it's ultimately it's a truth of this world.

So what do we do?

Well, all I can tell is you what I do...and/or at least strive to do:

Ultimately, I live by a joyful rule...a hard and fast rule...but a joyful rule:

Whatever we concenrate on, expands.

Focus on the good, things get better.

Focus on the bad, things get worse.

Upon first consideration, it seems a difficult task to think positive, and be positive, mostly because we're not yet in Heaven and we are yet unable to grasp the Heavenly things of perfection.

But thinking only good thoughts all the time, even in the midst of fact...especially in the face of just like laughing at a bully:

Laughter renders bullies powerless.

As such, positive thoughts do the same with negative thinking and circumstances.

So concenrate only on the good.

Think only good.

Speak only good.

Project only good..and discard the negative...laugh in the face of a bully...reject them and reject all negative thought...reject the rejections!

We'll never be able to fix this broken world.

But we can certainly mend at least a few of its cracks with positive, joyful "glue-full," glee-full thinking.

And then - watch, as if by magic, how the heart-"breaks" become less and less...while the heart-"warmths" increase and increase again!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Love Will Not Forget You

One of my most favorite things is attending Mass.

I'm a Catholic, born and raised.

I left the Faith for a little while, but ultimately returned.

I still very much disagree with the Church on a few things.  But that's okay, because I disagree on a lot of things with a lot of organizations (and with a lot of people for that matter).

That said, one of my other most favorite things is praying.

I love to pray, for it contributes to a great deal of joy for me.

But to me, praying does not mean begging for something from God (who is Love).

Instead, praying means talking with Love (who is God).

So, when I attend church, I pray...and not just for myself...but especially for others.

My pray-joy doubles when I pray for others...especially without them knowing about it (although I guess a few of them know about it now).

And I always feel that Love (who is God) will not forget my prayers if I pray for others.

And that doesn't mean that I pray for others so Love will remember my own prayers.

I simply pray for others because it contributes to my happiness.

And in the process of praying for others...and feeling becomes easier for Love to see me.

Because Love doesn't see us when we are unjoyful.

Love only recognizes Love.

Love remembers us when we our Loving.

It's that simple.

When we Love, Love does not forget us.

Because Love becomes us - and we become Love.